Policy: Feedback, Compliments and Complaints

At Arise Health and Wellness we are always seeking to grow and improve our services. We very much value your feedback. If you have had an experience with Arise that you are not happy about, please feel free to make a complaint by clicking here.

At Arise Health and Wellness, we take pride in delivering professional services. If you have any feedback on our services, please contact us.

When you contact us about a complaint, we will treat your complaint with respect and confidentiality. It is our preference that you place your complaint in writing including the following information if applicable.

·         Your name and how we can contact you;

·         The nature of your complaint, including the date, time and people involved; and

·         What outcome would you are hoping for.

We will investigate and respond within 30 days. If the issues you raise are complex, we will need additional time to respond and will advise you of this.

If you are unsatisfied with our response, you have the right to have your complaint reviewed. Your options include:

o   Contacting your support service, GP or other health professional to discuss your concerns

o   Asking a friend or family member to advocate on your behalf

o   If your complaint relates to an explanation, apology, refund, procedure or policy, you can contact: the Health Care Complaints Commission    https://www.hccc.nsw.gov.au/ or phone 1800 043 159

o   If your complaint refers to the clinicians behaviour that places someone at risk, or you believe it is unsafe, you can contact the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency https://www.ahpra.gov.au/ or phone 1300 419 495

Feedback, Compliments and Complaints V1
Completed: July 2020
Approved: July 2020

Dr Rachel Briggs
Clinical Psychologist
Arise Health & Wellness

Next Review Due: July 2021